Local metal detecting clubs near me
Asking if there is a local metal detecting club near me is probably one of the most frequent questions I get asked. So much so, there must be a multitude of other people asking the same question.
I always intended my website to give as much help and knowledge as possible to those starting out and even some seasoned detectorists. So, it made perfect sense to create a resource clubs list.
Check out my article about metal detecting as a new hobby exploring the benefits! You can also read my article on the best ways to find farmers who allow metal detecting here!
I have collated a list of clubs to the best of my ability which makes sense to put in alphabetical order. This could be either by the county name or the city/town name so do check both to find your closest metal detecting club.
I have used several sources to hopefully acquire the biggest and most fullest list you’ll find which may fill in some gaps left by others. My aim is to you find a local metal detecting club near you!
Metal detecting clubs
Before we get onto the list, I thought it worth mentioning about the benefits of finding a local metal detecting club when starting out.
There are initially the benefits of meeting likeminded people who love the hobby of metal detecting. They have most probably gained a lot of valuable experience over the years.
When I joined my two local clubs, the people were really friendly. (mostly!) You’ll find them most eager to impart their knowledge to you and hopefully help avoid you making rookie errors.
I do have some useful articles if you’re starting out. Try metal detecting for beginners – Where to start here.
Okay, the goal of my website was to always be honest….and I will be here! One of those clubs was hard work. It took a friend and me just over 2 years on a waiting list to get in due to restricted numbers.
I knew that some clubs could be guarded when they see new faces but holy moly! At the first club meeting, it was like we had horrid disease and nobody wanted to talk to us!
It took a few meetings and some club digs for them to thaw out a bit but all came good in the end! I hasten to say that not all of the members were like that, just some of the ‘old guard’….LOL
Clubs are also a great way to get a regular organised dig if you don’t have any permission yet or feel uncomfortable asking for permissions. I do have an article on getting metal detecting permissions here.
These usually take place either on a Saturday or Sunday depending on the club. They will have a designated club member to liaise with certain farmers they have a relationship with.
Joining a club can and often enhances your social circle and you very quickly gain some great friends. When you detect on your own, it can sometimes be quite isolated by a club will combat this.
Club meetings are usually once a month at a local venue where members will display their finds that have found throughout that month. There usually is a vote and certificates awarded for best entry.
Discussion also takes place about club matters and a list of farm permissions given out for the forthcoming month along with maps. We always had a raffle with donated gifts also.
Another advantage with joining a club is that very often, metal detecting insurance will be included in your monthly or annual subscription to the club.
Our members subs usually covered any club operational costs and either wine or flowers for the farmers and their wives given to them by the weekend dig team leader.
Beach metal detecting can also be a useful way of getting some coil time and earning a nice little side income. Read my article on finding a side income with beach detecting here.

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Metal detecting clubs UK
Metal detecting clubs in my area
Metal detecting clubs Avon
I’m originally from the Westcountry and find it difficult not to use the word “Avon” anymore but technically it doesn’t exist. We’ll cover these clubs in either Gloucester, Somerset or Wiltshire.
Metal detecting clubs Bedfordshire
The Detectorists are a club run by Mark Coles of Three Counties Metal Detecting Club and Don Malkin. They have permissions on lots of new undetected land plus some old favourites from Marks most productive sites.
They hold digs in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Lincolnshire and the surrounding areas. Digs are usually held on Sundays but midweek digs on Thursdays are available.
They also host at least one weekend event each year. New members are always welcome and memberships run from Jan 1st to 31st Dec.
Just a note, you will need to get NCMD Insurance yourself before joining as they’ll need to see proof you have it in place.
You can find the The Detectorists website here.
The Central Searchers Metal Detecting Club although based in Northants also have organised digs in Bedfordshire. We’ll cover this club in the Northants section.
At the time of collating this information, they don’t have a website up and running so I can’t be 100% sure they are still operational. Club organiser Gill can be contacted on centralsearchers@ntlworld.com
Metal detecting clubs Berkshire
Wessex Metal Detecting Association is primarily a social club of like minded detectorists that enjoy meeting up. They are based in Newbury and limit their number to 60 members.
People often leave or move away so do contact them for availability as they are most welcoming. The meet up the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month to discuss club matters.
Although based in Newbury, they regularly detect in Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire. You can find the Wessex Metal Detecting Association here.
The Wessex Searchers MDC also operate in the same region. They are a dedicated bunch that are run by members for the benefit of their members. You can find the Wessex Searchers MDC here.
The Berkshire Detectorists was founded by Ray Laidlaw & Kelly Le’Dvon in June 2011. They wanted to help other people that have a passion for detecting but no permissions to search on.
This is where Kelly went permission hunting and spent many hours cold calling on farms. They decided to create a group for like minded people to go out digging and yet enjoy the social aspect.
Weekend digs can be attended for a small fee in which 50% goes to the farmer to say thanks. You will need to obtain NCMD or FID insurance beforehand.
You can register at the Berkshire Detectorists here.
Metal detecting clubs Buckinghamshire
The ‘Magiovinivm‘ Milton Keynes Metal Detecting Club is made up from both experienced and beginner detectorists to the hobby and encourage newcomers.
You’ll find the members friendly and always willing to give advice. Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Roman Centre on Constantine Way, Bancroft Park, Milton Keynes at 7:30 pm.
Metal detecting insurance is included with your membership fees. You can find their website here and the email for organiser Graham is detectorist2000@yahoo.co.uk
Metal detecting clubs Cambridgeshire
Ramsey Metal Detecting Club is for detectorists from the surrounding area to get together once a month to meet socially and share finds, experience and advice on metal detecting.
They don’t have a website but can be contacted on their facebook page here.
The Phoenix Metal Detecting Club is based in Peterborough and meet the last Thursday every month at 7:30pm in the Peterborough Sports and Social Club, Lincoln Road.
I have no contact details so you may just need to arrive and ask to join.
The Cambridge & East Cambridge Metal Detecting Club meet the 1st Wednesday of every month. You can contact the chairman Derek Finch for availability on the email cambsdetectors@aol.com
St Neots & District Artefacts Club were founded in 1978 by a group of like minded detectorists who wanted to promote the hobby of Metal detecting.
They meet every other Tuesday at the Hyde Park pub but check on their website for updates. They welcome new members. You can find their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Cheshire
The South Lancashire & Cheshire Metal Detecting Club is reported to be one of the oldest and one of the more successful detecting clubs in the UK.
Founded by Brian Cross, they meet the first Wednesday of each month at St Basil’s Parish Centre on Hough Green Rd, Widnes WA8 4SZ. You can find their website here.
The West Kirby Metal Detecting Club meets at 7:30 pm on the 1st Thursday every Month at the Royal British Legion Club, Withens Lane, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 1BB.
They are a group of metal detecting enthusiasts (men and women) who enjoy pursuing teir hobby of finding interesting historical artefacts and coins.
You can contact them on their website here.
The Crewe & Nantwich Metal Detecting Society meets on the 4th Tuesday every month at the Crown Hotel, High Street, Nantwich CW5 5AS and meetings begin at 7.30 pm finishing at 9.30 pm.
A well established, happy and friendly metal detecting club in the North West of England. They have worked hard to maintain the goodwill existing landowners who always welcome them for a return visits.
You can find more information on their website here.
Tameside Metal Detecting Club is very small and doesn’t have a website. You can however find them on their Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs Cornwall
Kernow Search & Recovery Club Cornwall are based in the town of Hayle. They are a very active club with 40 members, meeting up most weekends and try to have a club dig once a month.
You can find more information about them via their website here.
The Mid Cornwall History Hunters usually hold a meeting every 3rd Monday of the month at 7.30 pm at the Victoria Inn, Roche, Saint Austell PL26 8LQ.
Their website can be found here or you can make contact with them via their Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs County Durham
Quakers Acres Metal Detecting Club was established in 2004 by several experienced metal detectorists who wished to create a club that encompassed a limited membership.
Members would be genuinely interested in the historical aspect of the hobby and who all would agree to operate within a strict set of professional guidelines.
The club itself is based in Darlington, County Durham and meets locally on a fortnightly basis to discuss finds, have a chat, occasional quizzes, club raffle and finds on the month competitions.
Sunday digs are arranged nearly every week for club members throughout the year,
If you wish to be considered to be a member you firstly must reside within 20 miles of Darlington center and not be a member of any other metal detecting club.
You can find more information on their website here.
The Dunelme Metal Detecting Club by all accounts are alive and kicking. They usually meet meet every other Wednesday at the Eldon Arms Hotel, Ferryhill Station, County Durham DL17 0AW.
I can’t confirm this currently however. For membership enquiries, the last contact I can find is tommyallinson@hotmail.com
The Freedomsearchers metal detecting club are based in Darlington, County Durham. A newly established club covering North Yorkshire and North East of England.
They have two digs per week mainly on Thursdays and Sundays but have a limit of 25 members. Anyone wishing to apply for membership can email the club at freedomsearchers@hotmail.co.uk
You will be notified by email as soon as a position arises and will be kept on file.
The Tyneside Metal Detecting Association meetings take place every two weeks at the Gateshead Bowling Green Club, 10 Prince Consort Road, Gateshead on Monday nights at 7.30 pm.
You are welcome to visit them if you first contact the secretary Helga or the chairman Mel. You can find information on their website here.
Blaydon Search And Recovery Association are a small, friendly and honest metal detecting club based in the North East of England. They hold meetings every other tuesday at the West End Club In Winlaton.
They aim to hold club outings every Sunday throughout the year and one or two weekend rallies in the late summer as well. You can find their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Cumbria
Meetings for the Kendal & District Metal Detecting Club are held at The Holme Social Club, Carnforth, LA6 1RB on the last Thursday in the month. Doors open at 7.30pm and the meeting starts at 8pm.
Visitors and prospective members are always welcome. Anyone can join the club, but it is asked that children be accompanied.
Typically, their members live in North Lancashire, North and South Lakeland, West Cumbria, Whitely Bay, Aberdeen, Alston and Staffordshire
You can find more information on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Derbyshire
High Peak Metal Detecting Club are a small friendly club based in Derbyshire’s High Peak.
They meet a couple of Thursdays every month at the Conservative Club in Chinley.
For more details, email Mike Bull – mike308@gmx.com
Derby Artefacts & Recovery Club are one of the oldest metal detecting clubs in the country, having been founded in 1977. They are based in Derby and offer a free recovery service for lost items.
They meet on the 1st Thursday of every month (apart from January) in the evenings. Digs are usually every Sunday.
Membership is limited to 80 members and members are expected to have NCMD or equivalent insurance. You can find more information on their website here.
Chesterfield Metal Detecting Club meets on the first Monday of each month (second Monday if first co-incides with a Bank Holiday) at: The West End Hotel, Westthorpe Rd, Killamarsh, Sheffield, S21 1EU
Club meetings are often attended by the local FLO and occasional speakers / finds experts and club searches take place every 2-3 weeks. Club membership is limited to 30.
Contact (for details): Andy Morris by e-mail at cmdc@hotmail.co.uk His UKDN forum name SQUONK. The website doesn’t seem to be accessible anymore.
Making Derby Safer Metal Detecting Association are a collection of individual metal detectorists who help to make Derbyshire safer and cleaner for people, wildlife and the environment.
By removing hypodermics, sharp objects ,batteries and rubbish from the ground, they also manage to save old coins and relics from damaging corrosion caused by the the environment.
They are registered with Derbyshire County Council/Derby City Council as an environmental/sports organisation. Membership of the association is free with free access to club detecting land.
You can find more information on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Devon
Taw & Torridge Metal Detecting Club are a fully constituted club and are affiliated with the NCMD. Their members come from the Taw and Torridge areas of North Devon.
Their membership is currently around 40 members and represents a varied mix of young and not so young, men and women.
They have experienced and novice detectorists amongst their membership and have regular monthly meetings at the Methodist Church Hall, Torrington on the 4th Monday of each month at 7 for 7.30pm.
Anyone wishing to join the club is welcome to attend one of the meetings. Further information can be found from secretary: Ann Johnston, email: annjohnston31@btinternet.com : Tel: 01837682901.
Another contact is Julie Hayman, email: hayman.gang@macace.net
Torbay Metal Detectors Club covers the three towns of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham in the Southwest of England although they also visit sites all over Devon.
You can email them directly at info@torbaymdc.co.uk or you can find more infomation via their website here.
East Devon Metal Detecting Club
Contact Nick Tucker 01395 232834
Monthly meetings at the Malsters Arms, Woodbury, Devon
ISCA Metal Detecting Club are a small, well organised club of hobby detectorists and history enthusiasts who enjoy great relations with local landowners, authorities and the general public.
Limited to 30 members, they do have a lengthy waiting list but please do contact them to find out more!
They hold their monthly meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at The Black Horse Inn, Sowton at 7.30pm.
They hold regular digs across Devon thanks to local landowners and farmers. You can find out more via their website here.
Newton Abbot & District Metal Detecting Club was formed in the second half of 2013 by people from all walks of life, a Policeman, a Restaurant Owner, a Radio Ham, a Clergyman to name but a few.
They abide by the guidelines laid down by the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the National Council for Metal Detecting and promote responsible detecting.
They are a small, friendly group of metal detectorists based in and around the Teignbridge area of South Devon. The club has a maximum of 40 members at any one time.
They also have a club dig on the final Sunday of every month and an informal meeting on the 1st Monday of every month at the Highweek Village Inn, 10 Highweek Village, Newton Abbot. TQ12 1QA
You can find more information on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Dorset
Weymouth & Portland Metal Detecting Club was established in 1990 and the membership is limited to 75. The number wishing to join is small so please contact the club if you wish to be added.
Our meetings are very informal and members are encouraged to bring along their monthly finds, chat to other like minded enthusiasts and learn about this fascinating pastime.
Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month with regular guest speakers and club competitions.
You can contact the club via email: weyport.mdc@gmail.com or find more information on their website here.
Stour Valley Search and Recovery Club has over 30 years experience of responsible detecting. The original club started in 1984 and they are proud to say that four of the founder members are still active.
We are a small club (by modern standards) of about 28 members. Digs are held most Saturdays and monthly evening meetings are held near Wimborne.
For more information and contact details, you can visit their website here.
Bournemouth Detecting Club was founded in 2011 and was created to bring together those in the surrounding area who all share the same interest in the hobby and history in general.
They are not like other clubs in that they don’t have waiting lists. They want anyone who has an interest in metal detecting. There are no joining or ongoing membership fees.
There is a charge fee of £10 per person however when doing a club dig on private land with all fees going to the land owner. You can find them here.
Metal detecting clubs Essex
Braintree Metal Detecting Club based in Braintree, Essex are a friendly metal detecting club of all ages and members of the National Metal Detecting Council.
They meet regularly to discuss finds and also attend planned club digs. You can find more information and contact details on their website here.
Brentwood and District Metal Detecting Club is a hobbyist club and do not operate as a business. They have proudly been detecting for over 40 years in Essex and surrounding counties.
They also have good relationships with many farmers who are happy for them to explore their land. They hold monthly meetings and weekly digs as well as offering a free recovery service for lost items.
Find more information and contact details on their website here.
Dedham Vale Detectorists started in 2015 and this club have their meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Royal British Legion Club, Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester, CO4 5QT.
Their website is still unconstruction but can be found here. In the meantime, you can contact Wendy Howard via email:wendy.howard@mail.com
Essex Detector Society meet in Hockley Community Centre every 3rd Monday of the Month at 7:30pm. I’m currently unsure of the status of this club but you can try emailing: essexdetectorsociety@gmail.com
East Coast Searchers and Anglian Detecting Group is a metal detecting club situated on the East Anglian/Essex borders. Their venue is at the Brantham Social Club in Brantham.
They meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at about 7.00pm. At their meetings they hold find of the month competitions in both coin and artefact sections.
You can find more information and contact details on their website here.
Wickford Metal Detecting Club meets once a month on the last Tuesday of the month at the Wickford Community Centre, Market Road, Wickford, Essex, SS12 0AG at 7:30pm.
They have their own club sites around Essex which are accessible most times of the year, fees applicable to enter sites.
You can find more information and contact details on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Gloucestershire
Taynton Metal Detecting Club is based at the village of Taynton in Gloucestershire. Club meetings are held every two months at the Taynton Parish Room.
The club has at least one detecting outing for members each month. You can find more information and contact details on their website here.
Severn Vale Historical Research And Detecting Society (SHRADS) are a metal detecting club based in Thornbury, South Gloucestershire and meet on the first Wednesday of the month.
The club was formed in 1979 and in 2019 celebrated its 40th Anniversary.
Membership numbers for SHRADS are limited, which means that all members will have demonstrated their interest by spending up to two years on a waiting list.
You can find out more information about SHRADS along with a contact on their website here.
Hucclecote Metal Detecting Club was formed by several people with a passion for history and metal detecting. They came together and formed the club in 1974 .
Both Men and Women play an active role in the club and they now have around 25 members. The club meet every 2nd Thursday every month.
The club does like you to attend at least 2 monthly meetings before being allowed to attend digs. You can find more information and contact them via their webs site here.
Cotswold Heritage and Detecting Society club meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month (unless Bank Holiday) at the Exmouth Arms Public House, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Glos.
CHADS guests are welcome on the night. You can find more information on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Hampshire
Weekend Wanderers was formed by Peter Welch in 1989. Membership has steadily grown each year and is the largest club in the UK. Well organised digs are paid for in the Hampshire area.
You can find more information about membership and a contact on their website here.
Solent Metal Detecting Club was formed in April 1983 by a group of metal detecting enthusiasts who meet once a month. The club is based in Waterlooville and you can find their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Hertfordshire
Herts & District Metal Detecting Club is quite a full club but does take new members. You can will be then put on a waiting list. They also offer a free recovery service in Hertfordshire for lost items.
You can find out more information and contact them via their website here.
Metal detecting Isle of Wight
Club details are sketchy here and website do not seem to be operational. The main clubs were the Isle of Wight Metal Detecting Club and Vectis Searchers Club…they may even be the same.
Metal detecting clubs Kent
Mid Kent Metal Detector Club was formed in 1977. They meet the 2nd Saturday every month at 7:30pm in St. Nicholas Church Hall, Poplar Grove, Allington, Maidstone.
You can find out more about them and contact them for membership details via their website here.
West Kent Detector Club was formed in late 1978, early 1979 by two enthusiastic metal detectorists, Stephen Johnston and John Williams.
You can find their website and contact here.
Cinque Ports Detecting Club is Sandwich’s first ever metal detecting club. Each of them have a passion for legitimately unearthing historical coins and artefacts from pre-Roman times to more recent times.
You can contact them via their Facebook page here.
Kent & Medway Metal Detecting Group are a small metal detecting group in kent that has been active in the search for local historic items also with digs in France and Poland.
You can find them on their Facebook page here.
Romney Marshland Metal Detecting Club (Kent Archaeological Society) meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Clubhouse, Marlie Farm Holiday Village, Dymchurch Road, New Romney, Kent.
You can find them on their website here.
Invicta Seekers Metal Detecting Club was founded in 2011 and brought together a group of people from different backgrounds who all shared a common interest.
They meet every month on the last Wednesday of the Month at 7:30pm at The British Rail Club, Bath Meadow (off beaver road), Ashford, Kent, TN23 7RR.
They welcome people of all levels from novice to the hardened detectorist. You can find out about them on their website here.
Swale Search and Recovery club was originally formed as the Isle of Sheppey Metal Detecting Society. Meetings are held at The Hastings Arms in Gillingham, Kent on the 1st Thursday of the month.
The club members come with all levels of ability and experience in the hobby and are happy to welcome newcomers. You can find out more on their website here.
Royal Phoenix Detecting Group was formed in 2001 with the aim of being a proactive and forward thinking group. They meet the second Tuesday of every month at The Cricketers in Dover.
It started off as a small group of like-minded and experienced detectorists who were fed up with the status quo of most metal detecting clubs. Find out more details on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Lancashire
Lune Valley Metal Detecting Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at the Lansil Golf Course Clubhouse, Caton Road, Lancaster. The meetings start at 7.30pm.
They actively encourage new members and contact information can be found via their Facebook page here.
South Lancashire and Cheshire Metal Detecting Club is reputed to be one of the oldest and one of the more successful detecting clubs in the UK, founded in the autumn of 1978 by Brian Cross.
They meet the first Wednesday of every month at St Basil’s Parish Centre on Hough Green Rd, Widnes WA8 4SZ. You can find them on their website here.
Blackpool Metal Detecting Club was originally formed in 1990 as the West Lancashire Metal Detecting Club but changed to its present-day and more appropriate name a few years later.
They meet at the Conservative Club in Tyldesley Road, Blackpool from 8pm on the first Thursday of every month. You would be made very welcome. Find their website here.
Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Detectorists offer a club for potential new members. You can contact them via their Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs Leicestershire
Loughborough Coin and Search Society Club was first formed in 1968 as a Numismatic (Coin Collecting) society.
As metal detectors became more commercially available, the similarity between the two hobbies led to the addition of the “Search” part of the Society.
Club digs are held on a monthly basis between August and May and they occasionally arrange larger metal detecting rallies for members and guests.
Meetings are on the first Thursday of every month from 7.30pm at Rosebery Medical Centre in Loughborough. More details can be found on their website here.
Hinckley Search Society meet on the first Tuesday of every month at Westfield Community Centre in Hinckley. More information and applications can be made via their website portal here.
Leicestershire Metal Detecting Society are a friendly, like minded, group who share a love of the past and everything that goes with it.
Based in the heart of Leicestershire, they meet up on a regular basis on the first Thursday in every month. Although they are a private group, anyone is welcome to join.
They meet at the Barrow upon Soar Conservative Club on North Street. More details can be found on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Lincolnshire
Lincoln Historical Search Society meet at the Cherry Tree Pub in Cherry Willingham on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
They are a small group of enthusiastic and dedicated metal detectorists based in Cherry Willingham, Lincolnshire. You can find their Facebook page here.
Scunthorpe Metal Detecting Club did hold their meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month 7.30 pm at the Foxhills Club, DN15 8LQ. I’m unsure if this club still exists. Last known contact No. is 07542 564631.
Metal detecting clubs Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire Detecting Association have established themselves as the Number One artefact recovery club in West Northamptonshire.
They hold the occasional club dig in and around West Northamptonshire and meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Old Scouts Rugby Club, Rushmere Road at 8pm.
You can find out more and apply for membership on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Nottinghamshire
Warsop Metal Detecting Society has a fixed membership of 40. The society holds general meetings on a monthly basis and welcome everyone who share their interests of this fascinating hobby.
You can find there website here.
Ashfield Metal Detecting Club was formed in 1994 to meet the needs of members who had retired, worked shifts, or just found weekend searches either impractical or inconvenient.
It is, in essence, a mid-week club and searches are usually held each Thursday. You can find more information on their website here.
Find A Field MDG UK LTD are based in Nottinghamshire but have access to 1000s of acres of permissions across 6 counties.
These include Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire and Yorkshire. There are no membership fees and you just pay on the day of a dig.
Find out more on their Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs Norfolk
King’s Lynn Metal Detecting Club consists of enthusiastic metal detectorists young and old. They hold monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month 7-9.30pm where non members are welcome.
Based in the West of Norfolk, they can be found via their website here.
Metal Detecting East Anglia & Beyond is a group for metal detectorists and those interested in metal detecting and history, focused on East Anglia, particularly Norfolk and Suffolk.
You can find out more information and join them via their Facebook page here.
Dereham & District Metal Detecting Club are a very friendly 50 member strong metal detecting club that meet once a month in Mattishall, Norfolk.
You can find them on their website here.
Iceni Metal Detecting Tours are not essentially a club but operate metal detecting holidays and tours. You can find out more about them on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Oxfordshire
Oxford Blues Metal Detecting Club was formed in the mid 1980’s and today has a membership of about 100 members.
The club is entirely non-profit making and proud to support local charities. Meetings are very informal and normally on the second Friday of every month at the Royal British Legion Club at Littlemore.
More can be found on their website here.
Phoenix Historical & Metal Detecting Society are a small, friendly metal detecting club based in the South-West Oxfordshire/Wiltshire area.
A group of like minded individuals who share a passion for unearthing the past and saving historical items. You can find out more about them from their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Shropshire
Mercia & Marches Metal Detecting Club covers the county of Shropshire and its borders. They have been formed to enable the organised and responsible pursuit of the hobby of metal detecting.
You can find contacts and emails for membership via their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Somerset
Weston Historical Research and Detecting Association – WHRADA have monthly meeting in Clevedon, North Somerset on the 2nd Tuesday every month.
They currently have got a waiting list, which is taking on average 12 month plus to get in. They website seems to have disappeared but you can email the club secretary Steve Hutchings on buzz@blueyonder.co.uk
DETECTING SOMERSET was founded by The Ferret (Morley) and Manic Dev (Dave) who have been metal detecting for many years together. Try them on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Staffordshire
North Staffs Historical & Search Society was founded in April 1978 in the bar of a pub called the Ford in Smallthorne Stoke-on-Trent, the founder being the Landlord at that time, Jack Millward.
Since then it has grown and present membership is in excess of 90. They meet at the Smallthorne Victory Club, Hanley Road, Smallthorne, Stoke-on-Trent on the 2nd Monday every month at 8-00pm.
You can find more info on their website here.
Bloxwich Research and Metal Detector Club is one of the largest in the country, and one of the longest established as well. Founded in 1978, it’s passed its 13th anniversary as a metal detecting society.
I’m unsure if this club still exists but some contact details remain. Try Jim Wall on metal.detecting@virgin.net
Metal detecting clubs Suffolk
Ipswich and District Detector Club was formed in the early seventies by Jeff Short. You can find out more about club and how to join on their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Surrey
Camberley and Bagshot Association of Metal Detectorists club was formed back in 1986 by John Young. His aim was to bring together like-minded people in an effort to promote and enjoy the hobby.
The club has a limit of 40 members who come from Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire. You can email on jrhodes31@ntlworld.com or visit their website here.
Surrey Metal Detecting Club are a brand new club looking for members to join them on weekly digs within surrey. Events will start to go live once they have enough members to fill the spots.
Get in touch with them on their Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs Warwickshire
Toads Metal Detecting Treasure Hunts offer regular metal detecting digs around Warwickshire organised by a guy calling himself “Mr Toad”. (Real name Nathan Smith)
He has lots of permissions and too much land to detect on his own so new members are welcome. It’s a public group, open to all who wish to join. Good participation in the group with finds pictures and IDs and generally looks great fun.
Membership is free. Dig price per person- £15. Under 16s free. Charity dig price per person – £25 (At least 75% of this goes direct to charity). Find his Facebook page here.
Metal detecting clubs Wiltshire
Trowbridge & District Metal Detecting Club was formed in 1976 by 3 people one of whom still regularly detects and attends all the meetings.
The club has grown in to one of the main metal detecting clubs in Wiltshire. The club meets at the Cross Keys pub in Rowde SN10 2PN on the last Thursday in the month (excluding December).
Potential new members are asked to attend the monthly meeting for at least 3 months before being put up for club membership. You can find out more from their website here.
Metal detecting clubs Yorkshire
Two Dales Metal Detecting Club was founded in May 1993 to attract metal detectorists that reside in an area of Yorkshire known as Wharfedale and Airedale, hence the name.
They also attract detectorists from the Pendle district of Lancaster as they are the only club now serving the area close to the county boundary.
Meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Addingham Memorial Hall, Addingham. Find out more about via their website here.
Lune Valley Detecting Club offer metal detecting digs and can be found via their Facebook page here.
Doncaster Detector & Collectors Club also have a website and contact here.
Metal detecting clubs Wales
Rhondda Artefacts & Research Enthusiasts first started in 1988 and was set up by Mr Tony Maz (Maz Electronics). Club base is at the Trehafod & District Social Club (opp Rhondda Heritage Park Museum).
The club holds fortnightly meeting/social nights on Wednesday evenings at 8 pm and all are welcome. You can find more information on their website here.
Detecting Wales is the main hub for detecting clubs in Wales. I think Brecon Metal Detecting Club may be folded into it. You can find the Detecting Wales hub site here.
Cardiff Scan Club is a thriving community resource for those interested in metal detecting as a hobby. The club boasts a healthy membership and has many advantages for members.
Club sites where members are welcome to detect at regular club rallies at different venues. The club meet at 7.30pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at The Victoria Park, 422, Cowbridge Road East, Canton, Cardiff.
You can find their website here.
Swansea Metal Detecting Club or SMDC founded in 1979 is a well established club with a broad membership.
The club hold fortnightly meetings in Swansea with monthly competitions and general socialising. There are regular rallies on local farms as well as ‘anytime farms’ which members access.
Some members regularly detect on the local beaches. You can find their website here.
Pembrokeshire Prospectors Society is a club that searches around the West Wales area. They are always actively seeking new members and can be found on the their Facebook page here.
The Historical Search Society (Mold) (North Wales) has been in existence since it’s formation by 6 detecting enthusiasts in 1976 is based in the historical town of Mold, Flintshire, North Wales. U.K.
They currently have around 80 members, both men and women. The chairperson is Jane Speed and the secretary is Vince Jones. Meeting venue is Mold Town Hall, Earl Road. Mold (opposite the Post office).
They meet on the 2nd Friday every month, start at 7.30pm. Feel free to visit them at any meeting without pressure or obligation even though I’m not entirely sure if the club is still opeational.
Metal detecting clubs Scotland
The Scottish Detector Club is Scotlands oldest club being founded in 1977. The club meets on the 1st Monday of every month at 7.30 pm at the Wester Hailes Education Centre (High School), 5 Murrayburn Drive, EDINBURGH, EH14 2SU.
You can get in more information about the club via their website here.
Toddys Metal Detecting Events are part of a Registered Company: Searching Scotland Ltd owned by Colin Todd Irvine.
Toddy’s Digs are the founders of weekly metal detecting events in Scotland which started in 2005 as Scottish Searchers.
They have two or three digs per week if numbers allow usually on a Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday and also hold other weekend events usually after harvest in September.
You can find their website here.
The Scottish Artefact Recovery Group (SARG) are a group of metal detectorists and amateur historians operating all over Scotland with a club base in Bonnybridge near Falkirk.
The club meets monthly and have regular organised club digs (typically on Sundays), along with the regular club digs, we also have trips to rallies.
You can join this club via their Facebook page here.